Zoochosis, environmental enrichment and stereotypical behaviour patterns – Life in Exile part 1

These are, to say the least, interesting times to live through. I started writing this piece during the UK lockdown in Spring 2020 and as I finish the piece now, we are heading back that way, with parts of the country already under heightened restrictions. If you take away the uncertainty for the future, theContinue reading “Zoochosis, environmental enrichment and stereotypical behaviour patterns – Life in Exile part 1”

A Series 11 and 12 Retrospective

Now that a bit of time has passed, I thought I’d attempt an assessment, good and bad of the last two series of the show. It is just my personal view, it doesn’t claim to be objective, but I have at least tried to provide some balance. It is rather warily and wearily that IContinue reading “A Series 11 and 12 Retrospective”

Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)

‘We are equipped to survive. We are only interested in survival. Anything else is of no importance. Your deaths will not affect us.’ Once upon a time… Let’s travel back to a time when there was only ‘once’ and ‘twice’ was a long way off in the future. When this story only existed as aContinue reading “Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)”

The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters

I’ve been pondering a question while writing my review of ‘Spare Parts’ – one of a series of reviews I’m about to write about the Cybermen – what is it that makes monsters work? The more I thought about it, the more complicated the question became. Not least because monsters prey on our fears andContinue reading “The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters”

Mondas Passing by Paul Grice (1998)

‘Mondas Passing’ is a rather lovely, bittersweet little short story from the original ‘Short Trips’ collection from BBC books (1998). The author reunites Ben and Polly on New Year’s Eve 1986, meeting in a hotel room, away from their respective partners, while down in the South Pole, their younger selves are fighting the Cybermen andContinue reading “Mondas Passing by Paul Grice (1998)”

The Tides of Time by Steve Parkhouse/Dave Gibbons (1981)

As we move into Spring and into the 1980’s proper, I though it was time to brighten up this gloomy old thread, throw open the windows and let some light in. And so now in glorious Technicolor – Peter Davison’s debut in the Tides of Time. So, some scene setting, it is February 1981 andContinue reading “The Tides of Time by Steve Parkhouse/Dave Gibbons (1981)”

The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey Orme (1967)

You know I could have you torn to bits by my guards, yes?Yes.I could feed you to my pet octopus, yes?Yes.Well you have sense of humour. I too have sense of humour. I need men like you. You come with me, yes?I come with you. You’re not turning me into a fish! It is 1982Continue reading “The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey Orme (1967)”

A Tribute to Diana Rigg

The sad news arrived today that Diana Rigg has died aged 82. What an amazing actor – I was so lucky to see her on stage twice – in ‘Humble Boy’ (2001) at the National and as Ranyevskaya in ‘The Cherry Orchard‘ at Chichester in 2008. She had an incredible presence on stage, formidable andContinue reading “A Tribute to Diana Rigg”

The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams (1981)

An Introduction Recently, I was looking for something fun, entertaining and clever to watch and review – something uplifting in these somewhat challenging times and away from the sometimes vitriolic world of Doctor Who fandom. I had been listening to the radio series of ‘Last Chance to See’ with Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine travellingContinue reading “The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams (1981)”

Do you believe in Magic?

For those with some arcane knowledge of 60’s West Coast pop, so sang John Sebastian of the Lovin’ Spoonful. ‘Doctor Who’ supposedly has an ‘indefinable magic’, but magic in the programme itself? Not for me. We all have our own pet hates and bugbears – this is one of mine. Inspired by the recent DWMContinue reading “Do you believe in Magic?”