A Tribute to Diana Rigg

The sad news arrived today that Diana Rigg has died aged 82. What an amazing actor – I was so lucky to see her on stage twice – in ‘Humble Boy’ (2001) at the National and as Ranyevskaya in ‘The Cherry Orchard‘ at Chichester in 2008. She had an incredible presence on stage, formidable andContinue reading “A Tribute to Diana Rigg”

The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams (1981)

An Introduction Recently, I was looking for something fun, entertaining and clever to watch and review – something uplifting in these somewhat challenging times and away from the sometimes vitriolic world of Doctor Who fandom. I had been listening to the radio series of ‘Last Chance to See’ with Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine travellingContinue reading “The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams (1981)”

Quatermass II by Nigel Kneale (1955)

Subjection to the intention of the thing is widespread… ‘Quatermass II is the second in the original trilogy of Nigel Kneale Quatermass stories. It picks up the story two years after the original. Like it’s predecessor, ‘The Quatermasss Experiment‘, whilst a hugely important cultural artefact in it’s own right, it is also hugely influential, particularlyContinue reading “Quatermass II by Nigel Kneale (1955)”

The Quatermass Experiment by Nigel Kneale (1953)

An experiment is an operation designed to discover some unknown truth. It is also a risk… I just asked him to bring me something back It is 1953 (64 years ago as I write this), Britain is still on rationing, Queen Elizabeth II has just been crowned at Westminster Abbey and Hillary and Tenzing haveContinue reading “The Quatermass Experiment by Nigel Kneale (1953)”