Spearhead from Space by Robert Holmes (1970)

The Shock of the new? Change and Spearhead from Space It is easy to assume that ‘Spearhead from Space’ came as a huge shock to existing viewers of the show in January 1970. It also fits perfectly into a narrative when writing about ‘Doctor Who’ in a marathon context, since the change of Doctor, formatContinue reading “Spearhead from Space by Robert Holmes (1970)”

The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve by John Lucarotti or Donald Tosh (1965)

In some respects, ‘The Massacre’ is Schrodinger’s Historical. A story that exists in three potential states, none of which quite allow us a glimpse of what it was really like. It is opaque, we view it through a haze or via our own chosen lens. To switch to a religious metaphor – we have theContinue reading “The Massacre of St Bartholomew’s Eve by John Lucarotti or Donald Tosh (1965)”

Web of Fear by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1968)

‘The huge, furry monster reared up, as if to strike. Well over seven feet tall, its immensely broad body made it seem squat and lumpy. It had the huge hands of a gorilla, the savage yellow fangs and fierce red eyes of a grizzly bear.’ ‘In the empty hall, the Yeti stood motionless, surrounded byContinue reading “Web of Fear by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1968)”

Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs (1989)

Powerplay – a matter of Life and Death ‘A chance action by Ace brings the TARDIS to Earth in the early 1940’s: Coventry in the Blitz, black rain falling out of the sky and pulverising all hope and humanity. But it was no accident brought them here – just as it was on accident thatContinue reading “Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs (1989)”

The Empty Child by Steven Moffat (2005)

A table for four at Chula – an introduction to ‘The Empty Child’ In February 2004, at an Indian restaurant in Hammersmith, four colleagues meet to chat and exchange notes. The restaurant is called ‘Chula’ and the people sat around the table are celebrating being asked to write for the new series of Doctor WhoContinue reading “The Empty Child by Steven Moffat (2005)”

Vincent and the Doctor by Richard Curtis (2010)

‘So this is one of the last paintings Van Gogh ever painted. Those final months of his life were probably the most astonishing artistic outpouring in history. It was like Shakespeare knocking off Othello, Macbeth and King Lear over the summer hols. And especially astonishing because Van Gogh did it with no hope of praiseContinue reading “Vincent and the Doctor by Richard Curtis (2010)”

World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)

What is in a name – To His Coy Mistress (with apologies to Andrew Marvell) Had we but world enough and time… Whilst writing the review of the next story, I was pondering the title of its’ first episode. I vaguely knew the source poem and had always assumed that it was partially a punContinue reading “World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)”

The Ark in Space by Robert Holmes (1975)

The tearing free and then the great blackness rushing through. Approaching Ark in Space is an interesting prospect. As with other stories of similar standing, finding something new to say about them is the biggest challenge. These stories have been discussed, evaluated and analysed for years now. The story has an interesting place within theContinue reading “The Ark in Space by Robert Holmes (1975)”