Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)

‘Thank you, all of you. Goodbye.’ As a coda to the Fifth Doctor’s time, we have a strange, but in the end rather beautiful little tale where Winter comes to the Fifth Doctor. The play starts with Doctor living the life of a rural farmer, with his wife Anima and children Tegan and Adric. ItContinue reading “Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)”

Deadline by Rob Shearman (2003)

‘I so much wanted to be a great writer, Philip – an artist, a genius. It’s what geniuses do. Wagner, Picasso, Dickens, had affairs, treated their wives, their children like ¤¤¤¤. They had the right. I wanted to be like them, rise above the right and wrong. Only the art mattered. But the thing is,Continue reading “Deadline by Rob Shearman (2003)”

Auld Mortality by Marc Platt (2003)

‘The sound of trumpets echoed up the misty valley, a harsh challenge, unworldly and defiant. The possibility of fresh snow spiced the air. Leaning on his stick, the adventurer picked his way between the rocks and down the mountainside. His ship sat behind him, a black casket squat against the snow line. Again the clarionContinue reading “Auld Mortality by Marc Platt (2003)”

Point of Entry by Marc Platt (storyline Barbara Clegg) (2010)

Not marching now in fields of Trasimene,Where Mars did mate the Carthaginians;Nor sporting in the dalliance of love,In courts of kings where state is overturned’d;Nor in the pomp of proud audacious deeds,Intends our Muse to vaunt his heavenly verse:Only this, gentlemen, we must performThe form of Faustus’ fortunes, good or bad. So starts Point ofContinue reading “Point of Entry by Marc Platt (storyline Barbara Clegg) (2010)”

The Guardian of the Solar System by Simon Guerrier (2010)

So, to the last of the ‘Sara Kingdom’ trilogy. In the moving prologue, Robert’s 21-year old daughter, who Sara helped save, leaves to see the world, never to return, but Robert stays in the house – shouldering the burden that Sara has carried for a thousands years. It is made explicitly clear that the impressionContinue reading “The Guardian of the Solar System by Simon Guerrier (2010)”

The Drowned World by Simon Guerrier (2009)

This is the second in the trilogy and picks up with Robert transcribing his thoughts on the image of Sara Kingdom and the ghost or rather echo of her in the house at Ely. We have a confirmation that human society is now less advanced than 1000 years previously when the house was first built,Continue reading “The Drowned World by Simon Guerrier (2009)”

Home Truths by Simon Guerrier (2008)

This is the first story in a trilogy about Sara Kingdom, written by Simon Guerrier and is part of the Big Finish Companion Chronicles range. The premise is really rather ingenious, finding a way to give use more stories of Sara Kingdom and the excellent Jean Marsh, but creating in the process something really ratherContinue reading “Home Truths by Simon Guerrier (2008)”

Absent Friends by John Dorney (2016)

Absent Friends, written by John Dorney is an 8th Doctor story, the first of the 3rd Doom Coalition box set. At the heart of this wonderful story is death and bereavement, how it affects us and how we come to terms with it or fail to over time. It is a narrative structure that only reallyContinue reading “Absent Friends by John Dorney (2016)”

The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)

In which Jamie ventures into his near history and tries his hand at being a Time Meddler! This story is one of the ‘Companion Chronicles’ range from Big Finish. They are generally two handers, part acted, part narrated, usually with some sort of framing device to allow the lead (in this case Frazer Hines) toContinue reading “The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)”

The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)

In which Mel discovers that she has a character and the Doctor riles a Gladiator. Before ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ and before the TV show came back, there was the ‘Fires of Vulcan’. Now, I like the TV story well enough, I watched it again recently, but to be honest it wastes a fair bitContinue reading “The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)”