The Armageddon Factor by Bob Baker and Dave Martin (1978)

We have the power to do anything we like. Absolute power over every particle in the universe. Everything that has ever existed or ever will exist. As from this moment are you listening to me, Romana? My will to finish this review waned by the episode, so forgive this lacklustre half-hearted attempt – in someContinue reading “The Armageddon Factor by Bob Baker and Dave Martin (1978)”

The Power of Kroll by Robert Holmes (1978)

It was a world of water.Lagoons the size of seas covered most of its surface, so that the swampy, low-lying land masses were in constant danger of flooding. Water streamed from perpetually overcast grey skies, in rain showers which ranged from the mildest drizzles to torrential downpours. Even when it wasn’t raining, water seemed toContinue reading “The Power of Kroll by Robert Holmes (1978)”

The Androids of Tara by David Fisher (1978)

Gone Fishin’ ROMANA: Where are you going?DOCTOR: Fishing.ROMANA: Fishing? What’s fishing?DOCTOR: Fishing? It’s an art, worthy of the knowledge and practise of a wise man. Isaak WaltonROMANA: Look, we haven’t got time for you to practise anything. We’ve got to find the fourth segment.DOCTOR: You find it. I’m taking the day off. These days IContinue reading “The Androids of Tara by David Fisher (1978)”

Stones of Blood by David Fisher (1978)

‘From Ogros, their home planet. That’s in Tau Ceti. Repulsive place covered in great swamps full of amino acids, primitive proteins which they feed on by absorption. Hence their need of globulin. Which is the nearest equivalent on Earth, hence the blood sacrificed on the stones.’ If ever a ‘Doctor Who’ story could be givenContinue reading “Stones of Blood by David Fisher (1978)”

The Pirate Planet by Douglas Adams (1978)

‘Excuse me, I’m looking for a planet called Calufrax. It’s about fourteen thousand kilometres across, it’s an oblate spheroid and it’s covered in ice. Excuse me, excuse me. Has anybody seen a planet called Calufrax? Funny, nobody’s seen it.’ ‘What are you doing it for, Captain? It doesn’t make sense and you know it. IContinue reading “The Pirate Planet by Douglas Adams (1978)”

Ribos Operation by Robert Holmes (1978)

You wouldn’t understand. For years, I was jeered and derided. I began to doubt even myself. Then you came along, and you told me I was right. Just to know that for certain, Unstoffe, well, is worth a life, eh? Of all the episodes to miss back in the 1970’s, ‘Ribos Operation’ episode one wasContinue reading “Ribos Operation by Robert Holmes (1978)”