Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)

‘We are equipped to survive. We are only interested in survival. Anything else is of no importance. Your deaths will not affect us.’ Once upon a time… Let’s travel back to a time when there was only ‘once’ and ‘twice’ was a long way off in the future. When this story only existed as aContinue reading “Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)”

The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey Orme (1967)

You know I could have you torn to bits by my guards, yes?Yes.I could feed you to my pet octopus, yes?Yes.Well you have sense of humour. I too have sense of humour. I need men like you. You come with me, yes?I come with you. You’re not turning me into a fish! It is 1982Continue reading “The Underwater Menace by Geoffrey Orme (1967)”

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -a tribute to Deborah Watling

The following article was written in July 2017 just after I heard the news that Deborah Watling had died. This was my tribute to her. I am going to talk about a few specific scenes from 1960’s Doctor Who. It is to remember Deborah Watling and the companion she played – Victoria Waterfield. I haveContinue reading “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland -a tribute to Deborah Watling”

Doctor Who and The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks Target Novelisation (1976)

‘Forty years the Yeti had been quiet – Collector’s item in a museum. Then without warning it awoke – and savagely murdered. At about the same time patches of mist began to appear in Central London. People who lingered anytime in the mist were found dead, their faces smothered in cobwebs. The cobweb seeped down,Continue reading “Doctor Who and The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks Target Novelisation (1976)”

The Dominators by Norman Ashby (1968)

We don’t unfortunately get to choose our ‘birth story’ – it is chance – it really wasn’t in any way considered or planned during your conception. Not even fans do that surely? Children are growing up called Nyssa or Leela or Rose or Martha – but surely nobody thought in 2013 if we work backContinue reading “The Dominators by Norman Ashby (1968)”

Web of Fear by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1968)

‘The huge, furry monster reared up, as if to strike. Well over seven feet tall, its immensely broad body made it seem squat and lumpy. It had the huge hands of a gorilla, the savage yellow fangs and fierce red eyes of a grizzly bear.’ ‘In the empty hall, the Yeti stood motionless, surrounded byContinue reading “Web of Fear by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1968)”

From Tibet to Tooting Bec – An introduction to the Yeti

A single blow from the giant, hairy paw smashes the explorer to the ground. Terrified, he flees from the monster’s glowing eyes and savage fangs… Why are the peaceful Yeti now spreading death and destruction? And what is the secret behind the glowing cave on the mountain? When DOCTOR WHO discovers that a long-dead friendContinue reading “From Tibet to Tooting Bec – An introduction to the Yeti”

The Abominable Snowmen by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1967)

‘Gentlemen, I assure you—the body of evidence that has accumulated over the years is undeniable. The Abominable Snowman does exist.’ ‘Oh, Intelligence. You promised to release me, yet still I feel your grasp upon this frail body. Why? What is happening? This was not your plan. But if you continue to expand? I have broughtContinue reading “The Abominable Snowmen by Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln (1967)”

The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)

In which Jamie ventures into his near history and tries his hand at being a Time Meddler! This story is one of the ‘Companion Chronicles’ range from Big Finish. They are generally two handers, part acted, part narrated, usually with some sort of framing device to allow the lead (in this case Frazer Hines) toContinue reading “The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)”