Ghost Light by Marc Platt (1989)

Introduction – A room with a view ‘Ghost Light’ might be set in Perivale Village in 1883, but really, I think its heart is in Oxford, in the writings of Charles DoDoDodgson, of Alice Liddell, The Oxford Dodo, of Soapy Sam Wilberforce, T.H. Huxley and ‘The Great Debate’. Oxford and its surroundings are somewhere IContinue reading “Ghost Light by Marc Platt (1989)”

Battlefield by Ben Aaronovitch (1989)

Battlefield is a bit unloved isn’t it? Even its author, a talented writer, isn’t happy with how it worked out – blaming himself, but also, I think recognising the limitations inherent in making Doctor Who in the BBC of 1989. It is the opener of 1989’s season 26 and stands out really, the other threeContinue reading “Battlefield by Ben Aaronovitch (1989)”

The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)

In which Mel discovers that she has a character and the Doctor riles a Gladiator. Before ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ and before the TV show came back, there was the ‘Fires of Vulcan’. Now, I like the TV story well enough, I watched it again recently, but to be honest it wastes a fair bitContinue reading “The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)”

The Angel of Scutari by Paul Sutton (2009)

In which Hex meets one of his heroes and Ace gets chatted up by Tolstoy! Now this is a story I should really love. Set during the Crimean War, this is partly a homage to Tolstoy’s ‘Sebastapol Sketches’, which I’ve read a couple of times – I became obsessed with Tolstoy for some reason inContinue reading “The Angel of Scutari by Paul Sutton (2009)”

The Settling by Simon Guerrier (2006)

In which Hex meets an infamous figure from his family’s past and the Doctor delivers a baby. And we finally get a story set in Ireland. I can’t think of many of those in any of the thousands of ‘Doctor Who’ books, audios and TV stories. From Big Finish – ‘The Book of Kells’, ‘IterationsContinue reading “The Settling by Simon Guerrier (2006)”