Survival by Rona Munro (1989)

‘The chase. To hunt in the morning and live till evening. Run out of the light, and slip into the dark. Smell the blood on the wind. Hear your blood in your ears. Die at last, with your enemy’s blood in your mouth. With your enemy’s blood in your mouth’ “This planet’s alive. The animalsContinue reading “Survival by Rona Munro (1989)”

Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs (1989)

Powerplay – a matter of Life and Death ‘A chance action by Ace brings the TARDIS to Earth in the early 1940’s: Coventry in the Blitz, black rain falling out of the sky and pulverising all hope and humanity. But it was no accident brought them here – just as it was on accident thatContinue reading “Curse of Fenric by Ian Briggs (1989)”

Ghost Light by Marc Platt (1989)

Introduction – A room with a view ‘Ghost Light’ might be set in Perivale Village in 1883, but really, I think its heart is in Oxford, in the writings of Charles DoDoDodgson, of Alice Liddell, The Oxford Dodo, of Soapy Sam Wilberforce, T.H. Huxley and ‘The Great Debate’. Oxford and its surroundings are somewhere IContinue reading “Ghost Light by Marc Platt (1989)”

Battlefield by Ben Aaronovitch (1989)

Battlefield is a bit unloved isn’t it? Even its author, a talented writer, isn’t happy with how it worked out – blaming himself, but also, I think recognising the limitations inherent in making Doctor Who in the BBC of 1989. It is the opener of 1989’s season 26 and stands out really, the other threeContinue reading “Battlefield by Ben Aaronovitch (1989)”