The Next Doctor by Russell T Davies (2008)

I’m the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best. If you could stand back, sir. This is a job for a Time Lord. ‘The Next Doctor’ – the one with the rubbish, shaggy Cyber Shades and that nonsensical giant Cyberman at the end, isn’t it? Well, there is a lot moreContinue reading “The Next Doctor by Russell T Davies (2008)”

The Christmas Invasion by Russell T Davies (2005)

Did you miss me? So, this one is a bit of a trip down memory lane, as ‘The Christmas Invasion’ is the start, ‘Feast of Steven’ aside, of a retrofitted Christmas tradition. One that feels so right, that you almost believe it has been going for 55 years. One which, to me at least, makesContinue reading “The Christmas Invasion by Russell T Davies (2005)”