Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat (2015)

There are two events in everybody’s life that nobody remembers. Two moments experienced by every living thing, yet no one remembers anything about them. Nobody remembers being born and nobody remembers dying. As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. ItContinue reading “Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat (2015)”

Flatline by Jamie Mathieson (2014)

You are monsters. That is the role you seem determined to play. So, it seems I must play mine. I came into the re-watch of this story with a slight misconception. I had always assumed that the pitch went like this. What if figures from Banksy’s street art came to life and started killing peopleContinue reading “Flatline by Jamie Mathieson (2014)”

Mummy on the Orient Express by Jamie Mathieson (2014)

There were many trains to take the name Orient Express, but only one in space. Completely faithful recreation of the original Orient Express. Except slightly bigger. And in space. Oh, and the rails are actually hyperspace ribbons. But in every other respect, identical. Painstaking attention to detail. A mini-break for two… There’s a body andContinue reading “Mummy on the Orient Express by Jamie Mathieson (2014)”

Listen by Steven Moffat (2014)

Question. Why do we talk out loud when we know we’re alone? Conjecture. Because we know we’re not It could be with us every second and we would never know. How would you detect it, even sense it, except in those moments when, for no clear reason you choose to speak aloud? What would suchContinue reading “Listen by Steven Moffat (2014)”

Under the Lake/Before the Flood by Toby Whithouse (2015)

‘Yes, well, well, there was no such thing as, as socks or smartphones and badgers until there suddenly were. Besides, what else could they be? They’re not holograms, they’re not Flesh Avatars, they’re not Autons, they’re not digital copies bouncing around the Nethersphere. No, these people are literally, actually, dead. Wow. This is, it’s amazing!Continue reading “Under the Lake/Before the Flood by Toby Whithouse (2015)”

Twice upon a Time by Steven Moffat (2017)

‘Oh, I don’t think so. No. Dear me, no. You may be a Doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say.’ Twice upon a time, is an episode that not one, but two showrunners didn’t really want to make. ‘World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls’ is so comprehensive an ending for theContinue reading “Twice upon a Time by Steven Moffat (2017)”

Kill the Moon by Peter Harness (2014)

‘Look at the size of it. It’s the size of a badger.’ The moon’s an egg. Has it, er, has it always been an egg? Oh, my gosh. It laid a new egg. I could just leave the review there. Feel free to stop at this point. Let me set out my stall on thisContinue reading “Kill the Moon by Peter Harness (2014)”

World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)

What is in a name – To His Coy Mistress (with apologies to Andrew Marvell) Had we but world enough and time… Whilst writing the review of the next story, I was pondering the title of its’ first episode. I vaguely knew the source poem and had always assumed that it was partially a punContinue reading “World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)”