Our Friend in the North – the Ninth Doctor

Last month was the 16th anniversary of ‘Rose’, of the show returning to TV (26th March 2005). A time before the iPhone or iPad, before streaming services or smart TV’s. When broadband and wifi were just starting to be widespread and the sound of modems firing up could still be heard in some quarters. WayContinue reading “Our Friend in the North – the Ninth Doctor”

A Series 11 and 12 Retrospective

Now that a bit of time has passed, I thought I’d attempt an assessment, good and bad of the last two series of the show. It is just my personal view, it doesn’t claim to be objective, but I have at least tried to provide some balance. It is rather warily and wearily that IContinue reading “A Series 11 and 12 Retrospective”

The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters

I’ve been pondering a question while writing my review of ‘Spare Parts’ – one of a series of reviews I’m about to write about the Cybermen – what is it that makes monsters work? The more I thought about it, the more complicated the question became. Not least because monsters prey on our fears andContinue reading “The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters”

Do you believe in Magic?

For those with some arcane knowledge of 60’s West Coast pop, so sang John Sebastian of the Lovin’ Spoonful. ‘Doctor Who’ supposedly has an ‘indefinable magic’, but magic in the programme itself? Not for me. We all have our own pet hates and bugbears – this is one of mine. Inspired by the recent DWMContinue reading “Do you believe in Magic?”

Never cruel or cowardly

A tribute to Terrance Dicks (first posted in the aftermath of his death in 2019) When I first met Terrance Dicks at a convention in the early 80’s, I was still a child really and I was meeting the man who had written the first book I ever bought. My first real encounter with himContinue reading “Never cruel or cowardly”

Douglas Adams and the fundamental interconnectedness of all things

‘I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.’ ‘Hundreds of people who’ve never written before send in ‘Dr. Who’ scripts. They may have good ideas, but what they fail to realise is that writing for TV is incredibly complicated. They have no idea how difficult it is and whatContinue reading “Douglas Adams and the fundamental interconnectedness of all things”

Being Human – The Cybermen, body horror and The Turing Test

Do you ever suddenly realise that you don’t actually know the meaning of a word that you’ve blithely used most of your life? That happened to me recently, when I was reading an article on the Cybermen in ‘The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who’ (by Simon Guerrier and Dr Marek Kukula), in which they talkContinue reading “Being Human – The Cybermen, body horror and The Turing Test”