The Guardian of the Solar System by Simon Guerrier (2010)

So, to the last of the ‘Sara Kingdom’ trilogy. In the moving prologue, Robert’s 21-year old daughter, who Sara helped save, leaves to see the world, never to return, but Robert stays in the house – shouldering the burden that Sara has carried for a thousands years. It is made explicitly clear that the impressionContinue reading “The Guardian of the Solar System by Simon Guerrier (2010)”

The Drowned World by Simon Guerrier (2009)

This is the second in the trilogy and picks up with Robert transcribing his thoughts on the image of Sara Kingdom and the ghost or rather echo of her in the house at Ely. We have a confirmation that human society is now less advanced than 1000 years previously when the house was first built,Continue reading “The Drowned World by Simon Guerrier (2009)”

Home Truths by Simon Guerrier (2008)

This is the first story in a trilogy about Sara Kingdom, written by Simon Guerrier and is part of the Big Finish Companion Chronicles range. The premise is really rather ingenious, finding a way to give use more stories of Sara Kingdom and the excellent Jean Marsh, but creating in the process something really ratherContinue reading “Home Truths by Simon Guerrier (2008)”

The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)

In which Jamie ventures into his near history and tries his hand at being a Time Meddler! This story is one of the ‘Companion Chronicles’ range from Big Finish. They are generally two handers, part acted, part narrated, usually with some sort of framing device to allow the lead (in this case Frazer Hines) toContinue reading “The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris (2009)”

The Rocket Men by John Dorney (2011)

When do you know? In which Ian struggles with his feelings for Barbara, Vicki is very brave, the Doctor communes with space mantas and there are some very nasty men with rocket packs. Back in my youth, during school holidays or on a Saturday morning, the BBC often ran classic sci-fi serials from the 1930’s,Continue reading “The Rocket Men by John Dorney (2011)”

Return of the Rocket Men by Matt Fitton (2012)

In which Steven meets a foe from his early years as a space pilot. And Matt Fitton does a very good John Dorney/Simon Guerrier impression! To my mind, Big Finish have served fans of the 60’s era very well over the years, especially given the obvious issues of not having a Doctor from that eraContinue reading “Return of the Rocket Men by Matt Fitton (2012)”

The Mahogany Murderers by Andy Lane (2009)

‘Investigating infernal incidents and cracking complex conundrums!’ ‘We’ve battled dangerous denizens of the daemonic darkness together‘ If there isn’t a clearer statement of what Big Finish is great at than making a spin-off series from the TV show, more than 35 years after it was first mooted, then I don’t know what is! Before theContinue reading “The Mahogany Murderers by Andy Lane (2009)”