Attack of the Cybermen by Eric Saward (1985)

It is the 50th anniversary year. BBC Worldwide brings out a rather brilliant set of mugs – each with a montage of images from a different Doctor and their first and last words in the role. At the moment I’m having a cup of tea out Jon. It is a simple pleasure, a glimpse ofContinue reading “Attack of the Cybermen by Eric Saward (1985)”

Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)

Sentinel – Eric Saward and the shock of the new Firstly an explanation. I wasn’t sure how to approach Earthshock, I am not entirely sure what else remains to be said about it – some people like it, some don’t, quite a few people don’t like what happened after it’s ‘success’. I could be wrongContinue reading “Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)”

Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)

‘We are equipped to survive. We are only interested in survival. Anything else is of no importance. Your deaths will not affect us.’ Once upon a time… Let’s travel back to a time when there was only ‘once’ and ‘twice’ was a long way off in the future. When this story only existed as aContinue reading “Tenth Planet by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis (1966)”

Mondas Passing by Paul Grice (1998)

‘Mondas Passing’ is a rather lovely, bittersweet little short story from the original ‘Short Trips’ collection from BBC books (1998). The author reunites Ben and Polly on New Year’s Eve 1986, meeting in a hotel room, away from their respective partners, while down in the South Pole, their younger selves are fighting the Cybermen andContinue reading “Mondas Passing by Paul Grice (1998)”

The Next Doctor by Russell T Davies (2008)

I’m the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best. If you could stand back, sir. This is a job for a Time Lord. ‘The Next Doctor’ – the one with the rubbish, shaggy Cyber Shades and that nonsensical giant Cyberman at the end, isn’t it? Well, there is a lot moreContinue reading “The Next Doctor by Russell T Davies (2008)”

Being Human – The Cybermen, body horror and The Turing Test

Do you ever suddenly realise that you don’t actually know the meaning of a word that you’ve blithely used most of your life? That happened to me recently, when I was reading an article on the Cybermen in ‘The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who’ (by Simon Guerrier and Dr Marek Kukula), in which they talkContinue reading “Being Human – The Cybermen, body horror and The Turing Test”

World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)

What is in a name – To His Coy Mistress (with apologies to Andrew Marvell) Had we but world enough and time… Whilst writing the review of the next story, I was pondering the title of its’ first episode. I vaguely knew the source poem and had always assumed that it was partially a punContinue reading “World Enough and Time by Steven Moffat (2017)”

Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)

(DWM – Spare Parts Preview Image 2002) ‘Good evening, Mr Crewman. I’m speaking to you, on behalf of the central committee, in what must be the strangest telephone call ever. In moments you will step out of your capsule, the first man to set foot on the surface since our tiny world began. Strengthened byContinue reading “Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)”