Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)

‘I’ll say one thing for you, Eric. Your stories are totally predictable. You’re like a deranged child, all this killing, revenge and destruction The theory goes like this – Earthshock changed everything. It was all returning monsters and continuity after that. Then Resurrection changed everything it was all shoot-em-ups and huge death counts after that.Continue reading “Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)”

I come to praise Terry Nation, not to bury him…

I’ve heard it said that ‘Terry Nation was a lazy, hack writer who re-cycled the same ideas, a stale set of clichés.’. Fandom these days seems determined to denigrate his role in the development of the show and his capabilities as a writer. All of which I think is a stale, clichéd and lazy pieceContinue reading “I come to praise Terry Nation, not to bury him…”

Planet of the Daleks by Terry Nation (1973)

Somewhere on this planet there are ten thousand Daleks! It is 1973, it is the 10th anniversary of ‘Doctor Who’. It is also the 10th anniversary of the creatures that gave ‘Doctor Who’ it’s longevity. Oh and the writer who pretty much defined what ‘Doctor Who’ would become. So, it is only fitting that theContinue reading “Planet of the Daleks by Terry Nation (1973)”

The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters

I’ve been pondering a question while writing my review of ‘Spare Parts’ – one of a series of reviews I’m about to write about the Cybermen – what is it that makes monsters work? The more I thought about it, the more complicated the question became. Not least because monsters prey on our fears andContinue reading “The Stuff of Nightmares – Doctor Who and the Monsters”