An Adventure in Black and White – A Season One Introduction

The story so far… ‘It all started out as a mild curiosity in the junkyard, and now it’s turned out to be quite a great spirit of adventure’ Let us take a trip back in time to 17:15 on Saturday 23rd November 1963. To a very different Britain, just 18 years after the end ofContinue reading “An Adventure in Black and White – A Season One Introduction”

The Two Doctors by Robert Holmes (1985)

Meat is Murder – an introduction to The Two Doctors In 1983 Robert Holmes was commissioned to write the Doctor Who 20th Anniversary special – The Six Doctors. He came up with three potential outlines in a discussion document, but the most developed idea was that the Cybermen were looking to extract the biological componentContinue reading “The Two Doctors by Robert Holmes (1985)”

Attack of the Cybermen by Eric Saward (1985)

It is the 50th anniversary year. BBC Worldwide brings out a rather brilliant set of mugs – each with a montage of images from a different Doctor and their first and last words in the role. At the moment I’m having a cup of tea out Jon. It is a simple pleasure, a glimpse ofContinue reading “Attack of the Cybermen by Eric Saward (1985)”

Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)

‘I’ll say one thing for you, Eric. Your stories are totally predictable. You’re like a deranged child, all this killing, revenge and destruction The theory goes like this – Earthshock changed everything. It was all returning monsters and continuity after that. Then Resurrection changed everything it was all shoot-em-ups and huge death counts after that.Continue reading “Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)”

The TV Movie by Mathew Jacobs (1996)

‘It was on the planet Skaro that my old enemy the Master was finally put on trial. They say he listened calmly as his list of evil was read and sentence passed. Then he made his last, and I thought somewhat curious, request. He demanded that I, the Doctor, a rival Time Lord, should takeContinue reading “The TV Movie by Mathew Jacobs (1996)”

Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat (2015)

There are two events in everybody’s life that nobody remembers. Two moments experienced by every living thing, yet no one remembers anything about them. Nobody remembers being born and nobody remembers dying. As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. ItContinue reading “Heaven Sent by Steven Moffat (2015)”

Our Friend in the North – the Ninth Doctor

Last month was the 16th anniversary of ‘Rose’, of the show returning to TV (26th March 2005). A time before the iPhone or iPad, before streaming services or smart TV’s. When broadband and wifi were just starting to be widespread and the sound of modems firing up could still be heard in some quarters. WayContinue reading “Our Friend in the North – the Ninth Doctor”

Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)

Sentinel – Eric Saward and the shock of the new Firstly an explanation. I wasn’t sure how to approach Earthshock, I am not entirely sure what else remains to be said about it – some people like it, some don’t, quite a few people don’t like what happened after it’s ‘success’. I could be wrongContinue reading “Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)”

Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)

‘Thank you, all of you. Goodbye.’ As a coda to the Fifth Doctor’s time, we have a strange, but in the end rather beautiful little tale where Winter comes to the Fifth Doctor. The play starts with Doctor living the life of a rural farmer, with his wife Anima and children Tegan and Adric. ItContinue reading “Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)”

Snakedance by Christopher Bailey (1983)

‘Where the winds of restlessness blow. Where the fires of greed burn. Where hatred chills the blood. Here, in the depths of the human heart. Here is the Mara.’ So, fresh from a bruising experience where writer Chris Bailey feels that he has seen his story reduced to ‘a cheap spectacle, with poor quality, tawdryContinue reading “Snakedance by Christopher Bailey (1983)”