Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters Target Novelisation by Malcolm Hulke (1974)

“Okdel stood watching as the last of the young reptile men and women took their turn to go down to safety in the lift. The gleaming metal doors of the lift were set in rock; the doors slid open and shut soundlessly, taking another group of Okdel’s people to safety below the ground. Across theContinue reading “Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters Target Novelisation by Malcolm Hulke (1974)”

Doctor Who and the Silurians by Malcolm Hulke (1970)

Reptilian. Biped. A completely alien species. Liz, these creatures aren’t just animals. They’re an alien life form, as intelligent as we are. Look, Doctor, I’m not going down there to start a war, but I must know what’s going on. So, with the science out of the way, what of the story? Really, ‘The Silurians’Continue reading “Doctor Who and the Silurians by Malcolm Hulke (1970)”