The Two Doctors by Robert Holmes (1985)

Meat is Murder – an introduction to The Two Doctors In 1983 Robert Holmes was commissioned to write the Doctor Who 20th Anniversary special – The Six Doctors. He came up with three potential outlines in a discussion document, but the most developed idea was that the Cybermen were looking to extract the biological componentContinue reading “The Two Doctors by Robert Holmes (1985)”

Spray of Death – Robert Holmes and the writeness of ‘wrong’

Sylvia, will you check Mister McDermott’s entitlement on termination of employment, please? There is a shift that happens in the writing of Robert Holmes which starts with ‘Spearhead from Space’, but becomes really apparent in ‘Terror of the Autons’ – a mining of horrific, macabre concepts and dark set piece moments, but one that isContinue reading “Spray of Death – Robert Holmes and the writeness of ‘wrong’”

The Power of Kroll by Robert Holmes (1978)

It was a world of water.Lagoons the size of seas covered most of its surface, so that the swampy, low-lying land masses were in constant danger of flooding. Water streamed from perpetually overcast grey skies, in rain showers which ranged from the mildest drizzles to torrential downpours. Even when it wasn’t raining, water seemed toContinue reading “The Power of Kroll by Robert Holmes (1978)”

Ribos Operation by Robert Holmes (1978)

You wouldn’t understand. For years, I was jeered and derided. I began to doubt even myself. Then you came along, and you told me I was right. Just to know that for certain, Unstoffe, well, is worth a life, eh? Of all the episodes to miss back in the 1970’s, ‘Ribos Operation’ episode one wasContinue reading “Ribos Operation by Robert Holmes (1978)”

The Ark in Space by Robert Holmes (1975)

The tearing free and then the great blackness rushing through. Approaching Ark in Space is an interesting prospect. As with other stories of similar standing, finding something new to say about them is the biggest challenge. These stories have been discussed, evaluated and analysed for years now. The story has an interesting place within theContinue reading “The Ark in Space by Robert Holmes (1975)”