Never cruel or cowardly

A tribute to Terrance Dicks (first posted in the aftermath of his death in 2019) When I first met Terrance Dicks at a convention in the early 80’s, I was still a child really and I was meeting the man who had written the first book I ever bought. My first real encounter with himContinue reading “Never cruel or cowardly”

Doctor Who and The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks Target Novelisation (1976)

‘Forty years the Yeti had been quiet – Collector’s item in a museum. Then without warning it awoke – and savagely murdered. At about the same time patches of mist began to appear in Central London. People who lingered anytime in the mist were found dead, their faces smothered in cobwebs. The cobweb seeped down,Continue reading “Doctor Who and The Web of Fear by Terrance Dicks Target Novelisation (1976)”

The Five Doctors (Target Novelisation) by Terrance Dicks (1983)

Ahead of time… It is Saturday November 19th 1983. “Doctor Who’ isn’t on TV, it isn’t the 20th anniversary yet, Longleat has long been and gone, all should be quiet. So, why is a 14 year old me standing excited beyond belief in a bookshop in Liverpool? To answer that question, I’ll ask you aContinue reading “The Five Doctors (Target Novelisation) by Terrance Dicks (1983)”