Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)

‘Thank you, all of you. Goodbye.’ As a coda to the Fifth Doctor’s time, we have a strange, but in the end rather beautiful little tale where Winter comes to the Fifth Doctor. The play starts with Doctor living the life of a rural farmer, with his wife Anima and children Tegan and Adric. ItContinue reading “Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)”

The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)

In which Mel discovers that she has a character and the Doctor riles a Gladiator. Before ‘The Fires of Pompeii’ and before the TV show came back, there was the ‘Fires of Vulcan’. Now, I like the TV story well enough, I watched it again recently, but to be honest it wastes a fair bitContinue reading “The Fires of Vulcan by Steve Lyons (2000)”

Doctor Who and the Pirates (or the lass that lost a sailor) by Jacqueline Rayner (2003)

In which a Gallifreyan Buccaneer and the pirate ‘Evil Evelyn’ battle the insane pirate leader Red Jasper and help a young girl make it through the night. Warning. Contains singing! Welcome everyone to ‘Doctor Who’s’ only unreliable narrator, pirate musical, ermm thing… To start off this review off, I thought a flavour of this storyContinue reading “Doctor Who and the Pirates (or the lass that lost a sailor) by Jacqueline Rayner (2003)”

The Marian Conspiracy by Jacqueline Rayner (2000)

In which the Sixth Doctor meets a new best friend and Evelyn learns that history isn’t always quite as it seems. This is a very early Big Finish release (no. 6 released in March 2000, when the universe was less than half its present size – or at least a much nicer place) and IContinue reading “The Marian Conspiracy by Jacqueline Rayner (2000)”

The Church and the Crown by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott (2002)

In which the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem end up in an Alexandre Dumas novel – a tale of Musketeers, Richelieu’s guards, court politics, Queen Anne, a vain King Louis and the Duke of Buckingham’s attempts to invade France! There are quite a few different ways to do a ‘Doctor Who’ historical – one isContinue reading “The Church and the Crown by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott (2002)”

The Angel of Scutari by Paul Sutton (2009)

In which Hex meets one of his heroes and Ace gets chatted up by Tolstoy! Now this is a story I should really love. Set during the Crimean War, this is partly a homage to Tolstoy’s ‘Sebastapol Sketches’, which I’ve read a couple of times – I became obsessed with Tolstoy for some reason inContinue reading “The Angel of Scutari by Paul Sutton (2009)”

The Settling by Simon Guerrier (2006)

In which Hex meets an infamous figure from his family’s past and the Doctor delivers a baby. And we finally get a story set in Ireland. I can’t think of many of those in any of the thousands of ‘Doctor Who’ books, audios and TV stories. From Big Finish – ‘The Book of Kells’, ‘IterationsContinue reading “The Settling by Simon Guerrier (2006)”

The Son of the Dragon by Steve Lyons (2007)

In which the Doctor, Peri and Erimem travel to 15th century Wallachia and meet Vlad the Impaler – Dracula (the ‘Son of the Dragon’ of the title), see his handiwork and meet his brother ‘Radu the Handsome’ (less inclined to impale people on the whole and presumably mote handsome!). ‘Farewell, Great Macedon’ aside, this isContinue reading “The Son of the Dragon by Steve Lyons (2007)”

The Kingmaker by Nev Fountain (2006)

In which: ‘Doctor Who Discovers: The Secret of the Princes in the Tower’, Peri pulls something off and Erimem breaks a few arms. I’m not really sure where to start with this one! After a number of serious plays, this is very different take on a historical ‘Doctor Who’ story – basically placing the TARDISContinue reading “The Kingmaker by Nev Fountain (2006)”

Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)

(DWM – Spare Parts Preview Image 2002) ‘Good evening, Mr Crewman. I’m speaking to you, on behalf of the central committee, in what must be the strangest telephone call ever. In moments you will step out of your capsule, the first man to set foot on the surface since our tiny world began. Strengthened byContinue reading “Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)”