Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)

‘I’ll say one thing for you, Eric. Your stories are totally predictable. You’re like a deranged child, all this killing, revenge and destruction The theory goes like this – Earthshock changed everything. It was all returning monsters and continuity after that. Then Resurrection changed everything it was all shoot-em-ups and huge death counts after that.Continue reading “Resurrection of the Daleks by Eric Saward (1984)”

Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)

Sentinel – Eric Saward and the shock of the new Firstly an explanation. I wasn’t sure how to approach Earthshock, I am not entirely sure what else remains to be said about it – some people like it, some don’t, quite a few people don’t like what happened after it’s ‘success’. I could be wrongContinue reading “Earthshock by Eric Saward (1982)”

Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)

‘Thank you, all of you. Goodbye.’ As a coda to the Fifth Doctor’s time, we have a strange, but in the end rather beautiful little tale where Winter comes to the Fifth Doctor. The play starts with Doctor living the life of a rural farmer, with his wife Anima and children Tegan and Adric. ItContinue reading “Circular Time: Winter by Paul Cornell and Mike Maddox (2007)”

Snakedance by Christopher Bailey (1983)

‘Where the winds of restlessness blow. Where the fires of greed burn. Where hatred chills the blood. Here, in the depths of the human heart. Here is the Mara.’ So, fresh from a bruising experience where writer Chris Bailey feels that he has seen his story reduced to ‘a cheap spectacle, with poor quality, tawdryContinue reading “Snakedance by Christopher Bailey (1983)”

The Tides of Time by Steve Parkhouse/Dave Gibbons (1981)

As we move into Spring and into the 1980’s proper, I though it was time to brighten up this gloomy old thread, throw open the windows and let some light in. And so now in glorious Technicolor – Peter Davison’s debut in the Tides of Time. So, some scene setting, it is February 1981 andContinue reading “The Tides of Time by Steve Parkhouse/Dave Gibbons (1981)”

The Council of Nicaea by Caroline Symcox (2005)

In which the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem discover a schism in the Christian church in Nicaea in (modern-day Turkey) 325AD and Erimem upsets the Emperor Constantine. Well, it isn’t often that you get to review a ‘Doctor Who’ story written by your local vicar! The author of this play – Caroline Symcox (married toContinue reading “The Council of Nicaea by Caroline Symcox (2005)”

The Church and the Crown by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott (2002)

In which the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem end up in an Alexandre Dumas novel – a tale of Musketeers, Richelieu’s guards, court politics, Queen Anne, a vain King Louis and the Duke of Buckingham’s attempts to invade France! There are quite a few different ways to do a ‘Doctor Who’ historical – one isContinue reading “The Church and the Crown by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott (2002)”

The Son of the Dragon by Steve Lyons (2007)

In which the Doctor, Peri and Erimem travel to 15th century Wallachia and meet Vlad the Impaler – Dracula (the ‘Son of the Dragon’ of the title), see his handiwork and meet his brother ‘Radu the Handsome’ (less inclined to impale people on the whole and presumably mote handsome!). ‘Farewell, Great Macedon’ aside, this isContinue reading “The Son of the Dragon by Steve Lyons (2007)”

The Kingmaker by Nev Fountain (2006)

In which: ‘Doctor Who Discovers: The Secret of the Princes in the Tower’, Peri pulls something off and Erimem breaks a few arms. I’m not really sure where to start with this one! After a number of serious plays, this is very different take on a historical ‘Doctor Who’ story – basically placing the TARDISContinue reading “The Kingmaker by Nev Fountain (2006)”

Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)

(DWM – Spare Parts Preview Image 2002) ‘Good evening, Mr Crewman. I’m speaking to you, on behalf of the central committee, in what must be the strangest telephone call ever. In moments you will step out of your capsule, the first man to set foot on the surface since our tiny world began. Strengthened byContinue reading “Spare Parts by Marc Platt (2002)”